Can I Sue The Cruise Line For A Broken Ankle?

Passengers often ask themselves, "how do I cover the cost of mounting medical bills for the broken leg I suffered on a cruise ship?" It's a common question we hear at And these same passengers often go on to ask, "can I sue the cruise line because of my...

If I Was Hurt on a Cruise Ship, Should I Contact a Lawyer?

It's a pretty common question actually. Generally, when we talk to prospective clients, it sounds something like this..."I wasn't sure if I should contact a lawyer, but....". The reason clients are unsure as to whether to contact a personal injury lawyer - or not contact one - is based on...

Representing Clients Injured in Cruise Ship Accidents – It’s What We Do!

Accidents and injuries occur on cruise ships more often than most people think. And unfortunately, the injuries sustained by these passengers are often quite serious, leading to medical bills, potential unemployment and ongoing pain and suffering. These passenger need legal help. They need support when facing the cruise lines who...

20 Million Passengers Cruise Each Year, But How Many Are Injured?

With roughly 20 million people taking cruises every year, how often do passengers return home with an injury sustained while on board the vessel? And of those, how many of those accidents occurred because the cruise line or its crew did (or did not do) something to prevent the accident...

Carnival Cruise Ship Rescues 24 Stranded Cubans

Some good news for the day - Carnival Paradise, en route from Tampa, Florida to the Cayman Islands stopped to rescue a boat full of Cubans. Here is a link to the story and a snippet of the news... "Matthew Sudders has been on plenty of cruises, but he'd never...