Recenty, we had an injured cruise ship passenger tell us about an injury that occurred while they were on the cruise ship tender. Tenders are the small boats that shuttle passengers from the cruise ship to docks. They can be dangerous as the small boats are unstable for passengers getting...
Category: Cruise Ship Tender Accident
Injured on a Cruise Ship Tender or Shuttle Boat?
Injuries on a cruise vacation don't always happen aboard the cruise ship itself. Sometimes they occur on the cruise ship's tender boats. What is a Tender or Shuttle Boat? A tender is a boat that the cruise line uses to shuttle passengers from the big cruise ship to the dock. While...
Cruise ship tender in Bar Harbor, Maine runs aground
A cruise ship tender ran aground in Bar Harbor, Maine on Oct. 4. Numerous media outlets picked up the story, including Here is a link to the story. Fortunately, early reports show no injuries resulting from the tender accident. 93 passengers were aboard the tender at the time. The...
What Are Cruise Ship Tender Accidents?
A tender is a small water vessel that transports passengers from a larger boat, such as a cruise ship for example, to shore when the boat is unable to get all the way into port. Though usually this goes safely, accidents are possible during this process. Speaking specifically of cruise...
An Experienced Boat Gangway Accident Attorney
A boat gangway accident can be financially and physically devastating. If you’ve been injured in a boat gangway accident, you should know that the ship owner’s legal responsibility for a crew extends to the dockside and gangway. Many serious injuries can occur on a gangway including slip and fall accidents...