Cruise Ship Injury Update; Cruise Ship Death in Hawaii Ruled Accidental

In an unfortunate accident, a passenger aboard the Holland America MS Veendam that was cruising the waters around Hawaii, died after sustaining a head injury following a fall. Slip and fall accidents aboard cruise ships continue to be the leading cause of injury on cruise vacations. Here is the article...

Cruise Ship Injury Lawyers, Waks and Barnett, P.A. is now on Google+

Waks and Barnett, P.A. is now on Google+ to better serve our current and potential clients. We are a personal injury law firm specializing in cruise ship injury cases. We represent passengers and crewmembers (not the cruise lines).   We've come to determine that many people who have been injured...

Common Questions From Injured Cruise Ship Crew Members

Here are 4 questions (and answers) from injured cruise line crewmembers If I've been hired to work on a vessel, do I have any right to be compensated if I suffer an injury or illness? Yes, but your rights depend upon what you were hired to do, and whether there...

Can Crewmembers Sue Their Cruise Line Employer?

Sometime we find that crewmembers on cruise ships are unaware of the fact that they can file a lawsuit (or sue) the cruise line companies that employ them. Yes - Crewmembers can sue a Cruise Line Crewmembers often suffer the same injures as passengers - slips and falls that go...

Can I Sue A Cruise Line?

  What Cruise Line Can I Sue? One of the questions our attorneys are frequently asked is, "I was injured on (insert Cruise Line Name Here) - am I able to file a claim against them for my injuries?" The answer is that any cruise line can be sued or...