Party Boat Sinks Near Miami, Questions Abound

A boat that sank near the Miami Seaquarium off Key Biscayne over the weekend dumped 30 people into the water.

Boat Sinks, People Struggle to Keep Afloat

Many of them had been drinking and were struggling to keep afloat in water.  This dangerous situation was abated due to the quick actions of nearby boaters who plucked the passengers out of the water.

Apparently the boat was homemade in construction and was illegally taxing people from one place to another. Early reports are unclear as to whether the boat held too many people or if proper safety precautions were taken before the boat sank.

Coast Guard, Miami Beach Police and Miami-Dade Fire Rescue were all on the scene.
Read the full story here at CBS Local Miami.

Dangerous Boating in Miami?

Improperly operated boats that are carrying passengers who have been drinking can very quickly lead to serious accidents.

Was dangerous boating responsible for this recent incident? It’s probably too early too tell before an investigation is completed, but things don’t point a happy ending for someone…that someone being the boat operator or the owner.

Legal questions may be asked by passengers who were affected by the sinking and attorneys may be brought into the fray.

With so much traffic out on the water, Miami boating accidents can happen. When they do you shouldn’t have to answer all your questions without some assistance from experienced boating injury lawyers.

For more information, please contact Waks and Barnett for a FREE CONSULTATION.