In an unfortunate turn of events, a four year old child was found underwater on the Oasis of the Seas, a large cruise ship of the Royal Caribbean line.
This happened on Saturday, January 3 in the evening.
The child was taken from the cruise ship and sent the the Broward Health Medical Center.
According to on local report in Miami, “A bystander noticed the child, alerted someone who was near the wave pool. The child was brought out of the wave pool. Some bystanders began CPR. The child was taken to the infirmary. That’s where Broward Sheriff’s Fire Rescue encountered the patient,” added Jachles.
Drowning and near-drownings always make headlines as victims tend to be younger children. This event, like many recent others, will spark questions of whether cruise ships should either volunteer to or be required to have lifeguards present at pools and other onboard water features on cruise ships.