It's unfortunate, but slip and fall accidents are the most common type of accident aboard cruise ships. And with nearly 15 million Americans traveling on cruise ships each year, the chance of injury is much higher than most passengers would imagine. Why do injuries happen? Unsteady footing due to the...
Author: John Kennerty
How Can Crew Members Get Legal Help From a Lawyer If They Were Hurt While Working On A Cruise Ship
Let's face it, if you are (or were) a crew member on a cruise ship and were hurt while working on the cruise ship, you will likely need the help of a cruise ship injury law firm. It is important to realize that as a crew member on Carnival Cruise...
Why Hurt Passengers, Who Are Confused and Frustrated, Contact Us
It's been an interesting last few months. With the peak cruising time of the year in full swing through the summer, calls and emails to our office have been steady. Passengers who were involved in accidents aboard cruise ships, and were injured as a result, have been reaching out to...
If Physically Injured in an Accident on a Cruise Ship, You May Need a Lawyer
Here is a tip from cruise ship injury lawyers. If you were hurt on a cruise vacation, don't go it alone when trying to file a claim. Just like there are a lawyers who only work on helping people with speeding tickets, a cruise ship injury lawyer only helps people...
Sick Passenger Airlifted From Cruise Ship Off Coast of San Diego
According to news reports in San Diego, a man was airlifted from the Carnival Cruise Ship Inspiration to a hospital in San Diego. 34-year-old man suffering from appendicitis symptoms aboard a cruise ship was evacuated to a San Diego hospital Sunday for emergency medical treatment. Crew members aboard the cruise...
What Do Cruise Injury Lawyers Do For Hurt Passengers?
Let's face it, if you were hurt in a cruise ship accident, you will likely need the help of a cruise ship injury law firm. You can try to go it alone. Many of our clients tried that approach first. What they soon realized was that dealing with the cruise...
3 Exceedingly Important Benefits of Working With a Cruise Injury Lawyer
Here is a tip from cruise ship injury lawyers. Don't go it alone. Trying to successfully file an injury claim for an accident that happened on a cruise ship can be incredibly difficult and frustrating for you. The cruise lines, working within their company policies, will often work to minimize...
Miami Cruise Ship Injury Attorneys Provide Needed Help
Unless you've experienced it, attempting to communicate with a cruise line to file an injury claim against them can be a cloudy, complicated and frustrating process...especially when you try to do it alone! We know firsthand what it's like because quite often, passengers who have been injured and have tried...
How to Find a Cruise Ship Lawyer After Suffering a Back Injury on a Carnival Cruise Ship
Just imagine - you're on a Carnival Cruise vacation, sitting on deck with your wife. You head back to your cabin to grab the novel you've been reading, but as you navigate the stairs back to your room, you stumble and trip because of ripped carpeting or a handrail that...
Hurt on a Carnival Cruise Ship? There is Legal Help Available To You!
Hurt on a Carnival Cruise Ship? It's unfortunate, but accidents and injuries are common on Carnival Cruise Ships. In fact, our office receives calls on a weekly basis from passengers who have been seriously hurt on their cruise vacation and need to speak with someone about their legal options. They...